10 Creative Writing Tips From The World’s WORST Writers

Everyone gives writing advice.

But some of it is often repeated without real experience behind it.

Here are 10 horrible tips and what you could do instead…

1: Ignore Your Readers.

Reading comments and feedbacks can be scary. But it’s the best learning tool you have at your disposal.

Writers need to grow a thicker skin if they want to thrive in this art…

2: Embrace Clichés.

From the “browser history” jokes to overused metaphors passing through play on words, try to avoid them as much as possibile.

They are pedantic, predictable and make you unremarkable.

3: Never Edit.

Editing is boring, I know. Reading the same piece 37 times is the worst part of writing.

But this is where great ideas and optimizations come from…

4: Write Only When Inspired.

Wait for the muse to strike before putting pen to paper and you’ll never write.

There are days when you don’t want to write… bu do it anyway and inspiration will strike you more often.

5: Adverbs Are Evil.

Never use adverbs under any circumstances because Stephen King said so.

Or maybe experiment, get feedbacks and see what works for your style.

6: Outline Extensively.

Outlining is very important for writers (me included). We are not all explorers or pantsers.

But your outlines mut be flexible, otherwise you are going to create a cage for yourself.

7: Imitate Your Idols.

Just look at how many successful Tolkien-wannabies are out there.

Admiring great writers is good, but imitating them makes you unremarkable.

8: Write What You Know.

While you should write what you know, you must also expand your comfort zone by making new experiences.

Never stagnate in the things you know now.

9: Give Up Easily.

Writing is hard, and rejection is inevitable. If you don’t achieve immediate success, do what most aspiring writers do and throw the towel.  

Or maybe, just maybe, keep on going and see where this beautiful art form leads you.

10: Smoke, drink and overeat.

There’s this idea that all writers are drunkards and overweight.

While there are many who lead unhealthy lives, mind and body are connected and the healthier you are, the better writing you’ll produce.

October 10, 2024