People think time is an enemy…
New age gurus say that time doesn’t exist.
I came to realize that time is your best ally…
1: Time heals mistakes
Mistakes often have short term consequences. But, if you work to correct them, in the long term mistakes become nothing more than another experience.
And things that looked big and scary, will become small and irrelevant.
2: The power of deadlines
There’s a psychological reason why deadlines are so powerful: they force our brain to work and finish a work before the deadlines.
They don’t always work, of course, but they give you a simple structure that translate into productivity.
3: Compound effect in growth
Mental, physical and spiritual growth is a small, continuous process. You can improve 1% every day at most. You don’t see real results in your personal growth one day to the other.
But, if you stick to it, after 60, 90 or 180, you’ll see the power of compounding interests in your personal life.
4: Turn scars into strengths
When something hurts us, we bleed. The pain is constant and sharp. But in time that wound becomes a scar.
That scar is a badge of honor: you survived something hurtful and lived to tell the tale.
5: Systems
Since time and energy are finite resources, you can use them to create systems (in business and in your daily life).
Systems are nothing more than routines that optimize certain processes, giving you results in less time.
6: Learn when to be patient…
Investors know this very well. People who have been through multiple relationships know this as well. You need to be patient to find the right opportunities.
Rushing often leads to medium term mistakes that take time to recover from.
7: …and when to be quick
“Speed of implementation” is the mantra of every successful businessman. You have an idea? You must transform it into reality as soon as possibile.
This is where you ride trends and get into opportunities before anyone else.
8: Gives prospective
When you are inside a situation (like a bad marriage or destructive business relationshio) you only see things from the inside. Your prospective is limited.
But, with time, you start to see the same situation from different prospective, gifting you with useful insights.
9: Shows how overthinking is pointless…
The older you get, the more obvious it should become. How many times have you overthought things, and you only suffered for it?
How many times overthinking lead you to decision paralysis and, as a consequence, you lost your chance at something?
10: …and how action is always king
Thinking has its time and place. But too much thinking doesn’t move a single stone. If you want to move mountains, you have to act.
This is one of the reasons why modern spirituality is so destructive: they put action in second place, creating lazy, deluded people.
11: Habits and discipline create freedom
Discipline like working out, to those who never stuck to it, look like a big waste of time. That’s why magic bullet solutions are so popular (And ineffective).
But in reality, the more disciplined you are, the more free time you’ll have in the medium and long term.
12: Average of good and bad days
We all have days when we jump out of bed, ready to devour the world. And we also have days when we don’t even want to get out of bad.
Time averages both, making bad days less relevant (if you still do your best to make them count)
13: Simpler life by saving time
We buy crap we don’t need. We waste times in things that lead nowhere. But in the long term, when you become aware of this, you start to simplify your life.
So you spend less time, money and energy in things that bring you no real lasting value.
14: Can develop wisdom
We become wiser from experience, by learning from others, and by transforming every lesson into action. Wisdom leads to amazing opportunities.
It gives you the kind of value that you can’t simply learn from books.
15: Embrace regularity and repetitiveness
Variety and novelty are great marketing leverages, but their value is overvalued. We tend to forget most of these things anyway.
In the long run, regularity and repetitiveness are the only way to open doors.
16: Teaches the importance of focus
There are times when you have to be creative, but focus is where the results are. It’s better to do less things for longer, rather than jumping from one plan to the other.
And, in the medium term, it becomes evident.
17: Make this investment count
Time is the only resource we can’t get bet. It’s something we should always remember. Every minute wasted watching Netflix is a minute you are not going to recover.
It’s drastic, I know, but start to think of time as the biggest investment you MUST make. So make it count…
18: Destroys small fears
A lot of things in life can be scary. But, ask yourself, how relevant will be this fear 5 years from now?
This is how, when I was 15, I destroyed my fear of approaching girls. I looked like a fool most of the time, but guess what. 20 years later, I only laugh thinking about those moments.
19: Appreciate simple, repetitive tasks
Working out is repetitive (same exercises every week for months).
Business is also repetitive (same 3 boring actions to fill your pipeline every damn month).
But it’s like laying down bricks: you keep on doing it and, after a while, a building appears in front of you.
20: See the results of your plans
Any plan doesn’t work in the short time. A business plan doesn’t make you a millionaire in 2 days. But if you stick to it you’ll see it give you results.
This is also why you need to use plans that are simple to stick to.