3 practical ways to permanently overcome the Writer’s Block

There’s tons of advice out there on how to overcome writer’s block.

Most advice is ineffective because it only temporarily fixes the issue.

These 3 practices I’m about to talk about are effective ways to train yourself to completely overcome and, after enough time, remove writer’s block from your life.

Keep an idea-stack.

Every time you have an idea of something you want to write about, save it on a stack.

Nowadays, I use a checklist on Google Keep. In the past, I used random pieces of paper.

This way, every time you sit down to write something and you don’t know what to talk about, you remove one idea from the stack, use it as a starting point and flow with it.

Dance or workout, focusing on your body.

Writer’s block happens because writing is an intellectual skill that can easily overload the conscious mind.

Words cease to flow when your mind becomes overloaded. It’s like sand obstructing a water filter.

An intense 10-minute workout or dance forces you to shut down your brain and focus on your body. This way, you are cleaning the filter and letting the words flow again.

And yes, meditation works as well, but it requires more practice, and for most people, it’s counterproductive.

Write at the same time every day.

Make it a habit to write at least 1 hour a day, every single day, including weekends.

Possibly, find the time of day when you feel most energized. For some, it’s before going to bed. For others, it’s the morning.

Just be as regular as possible. Continue these 3 practices for 21 consecutive days to establish the habit. Do them for 90 days in a row, and you will create a discipline that allows you to permanently overcome writer’s block for good.

June 21, 2024