Do you want to create stories faster?
Here are 5 quick ways to boost your productivity.
Make them your new habits…
1: Create daily.
You don’t need to write more.
You need to write regularly. Pick on hour and, every day (weekends included) use that timeframe to write.
This will become a new habit that will help you stay disciplined even in other areas of your life.
2: Create a Dedicated Workspace.
The optimal situation is to have a room and a computer specific for this task.
But if you can’t afford it right now, you can simply change location in the same room.
Or you can literally change position on your sofa (you can have a “work” spot and a “leisure” spot).
3: Limit Distractions.
Turn off notifications, close unnecessary tabs, put the phone in another room.
Remove anything that could potentially distract you.
4: Use transcription software.
This is becoming my new routine.
In the past, I only used 10-fingers typing to write my stories. Now that transcription software (I use Descript) are so cheap and precise, I mix typing with recording.
It takes a while to get the hang of it, but it’s an amazing productivity boost.
5: Templates and plots.
I used to be a pantser (or explorer) when writing fiction.
But years in copywriting taught me that having templates and plot ideas can make storytelling faster and more precise.
You can still be a pantser (and I am in certain situations), but I use these story points to guide my creativity and stay focused.