Feedback is a gift, especially for storytellers. It’s how we grow, learn, and ultimately become better at our craft.
But not all feedback is created equal, and knowing how to sift through it can be tricky.
Here are some tips to help you get the most out of every feedback you get for your stories:
1: Be Open to It – Feedback can be tough to hear, but it’s important to be open to it. Remember, the person giving you feedback is likely just trying to help you improve your story.
2: Don’t Take It Personally – It’s easy to take feedback personally, but it’s important to remember that it’s not about you as a person. It’s about your story and how it can be improved.
3: Ask Clarifying Questions – If you’re not sure what the person means by their feedback, don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions. This will help you understand their perspective and make sure you’re both on the same page.
4: Consider the Source – Not all feedback is created equal. Consider the source of the feedback and whether or not they’re qualified to give it.
5: Look for Patterns – If you’re getting the same feedback from multiple people, it’s worth paying attention to. This is a good indication that there’s something in your story that needs to be addressed.
6: Don’t Be Afraid to Disagree – You don’t have to agree with every piece of feedback you get. If you disagree with something, don’t be afraid to say so. But be respectful and explain your reasoning.
7: Take Your Time – Don’t feel like you have to implement every piece of feedback immediately. Take your time to process it and decide what you want to do with it.
8: Thank the Person for Their Feedback – Even if you don’t agree with the feedback, it’s important to thank the person for taking the time to give it to you.
9: Use It to Improve Your Story – Ultimately, the goal of feedback is to help you improve your story. Use the feedback you get to make your story the best it can be.