Is this AI Revolution the new Internet Revolution?

If you have been following me for a while, you know I’m very scheptical about AI.

I still am very scheptical, in many ways. But recent events made me rethink my position big time.

Here’s why I think this AI revolution is the new Internet Revolution…

1: Internet in 1999

In 1999 I was in elementary school. Internet was expensive and damn SLOW.

And the noise that modem made (I still love it – )

2: Back then the Internet was trash

It wasn’t just slow and expensive, but it was also full of grotesque trash and lots of scams in the light of day.

There were no useful, accessible services.

3: But it evolved

It became more accessible, usable, fastere and cheaper. To a point where now more and more people can have a connection to the Internet.

And this is where the gap became evident.

4: Most people ENJOY the Internet, few TAKE ADVANTAGE of it

Most people see the Internet as a toy, a leisure and a total waste of time. Doomscrolling, Netflixing, PornWatching…

That’s what the Internet is for most people.

5: AI will be the same

Most people treat this technology as nothing more than a toy and a lazy way to find answers.

But there’s more to this technology once you get deep enough into it.

6: The Gap will be bigger

Internet has improved the lives of millions and destroyed the lives of billions. AI, potentially, will do the same.

But the lifestyle gap between thos who benefit from it and those who abuse it will be even wider.

7: Evil companies will keep on being evil

As with the Internet, AI will be used for the most part by companies with negative agendas (Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon, to name a few…).

But, since AI models are mostly Open Source and becoming more accessible, there are opportunities for good companies to emerge.

8: The AI Revolution will change the world – again

The growth of the Internet was scary to many, who feared for their jobs, and an opportunity for a many others.

AI is already proving to be the same.

9: My skepticism is different now

I’m still skeptical of big corporates making AI so accessible and so “filtered”. But I see a brighter future for AI and small companies who decide to use it wisely.

A whole new world of opportunities is appearing, ready for us to take advantage of it.

10: AI is going to be the new Internet

It will be pervasive and accessible. It will change how we work and and how we interact with technology.

Many will forget how to use their own intelligence (just like the Internet) while many will prosper like never before (exactly like with the Internet).

September 26, 2024