The 1000-hours rule for Excellent Artistic Works

If you want to create an excellent work of art, you need to apply the 1000-hour rule.

To be clear, 1000 is just an idea number. Based on a project, it can be even more. But I wouldn’t go less.

When I say project, I mean anything big: a book, a stage play, an album, etc.

The 1000-hour rule.

This boils down to an entire year if you work on a project part-time.

The idea behind this rule is that you should put way more hours than you expect into a project. And you should concentrate these 1000 hours in as few days as possible. Of course, not everyone can work full-time on an artistic project. So, part-time work will have to be done.

Meaning that, in the beginning, if you are disciplined and determined enough, you can create one excellent work of art every year.

You need to consistently work on the same project. This way, your mind will be more focused and it will work on it even when you sleep.

Give yourself deadlines.

Don’t transform this 1000-hour rule to postpone publication.

You need precise deadlines. This way, you will not have the excuse of overly perfecting your work of art. After 1000 hours, it will be as good as you can possibly make it at this stage of your life.

So, face the fear of judgment and publish it.

And even if it is unsuccessful, you’ll still have learned so much from it that your next work of art will reach a whole new level of excellence.

July 23, 2024