Luck cannot be controlled, but it can be manipulated.
In reality, some people are really luckier than others. We all have met that one person who always wins at everything without a person, as well as the person who is always struck by bad luck. But there are 2 ways that can increase your luck in life.
And no, this has nothing to do with the Law of Attraction or any of these new age ritualistic and more-dangerous-than-they-look spiritualistic practices.
1: Keep planting seeds.
If you have one lottery ticket, you have only one chance to win the jackpot.
But what if you had multiple tickets? You’d have multiple chances. Most people try things once or twice and if they see no results, they quit. The big secret to success in any field is this: keep trying.
Keep planting seeds.
That’s why you publish every day (I’m at day 31 and I still haven’t seen any results, but that’s part of the game and I’ll keep on pushing). That’s why every day you try to start new relationships. And that’s why, every day, you work on refining your skills.
Every new action is a new ticket, an opportunity to win something.
2: Cognitive hyper focalization theory
Yes, I got this from an Anime, “Zom 100: The Bucket List of the Dead” to be precise.
Like many psychological and sociological theories, this most likely doesn’t have a real scientific basis. But it makes complete sense if observed in the real world. The graph goes like this:
- The X axis is the short- or long-term thinking behind your actions. It goes from the present, meaning that you focus on getting results NOW for your actions, and it moves to the immediate future, the distant future, the children’s future and humanity’s future. This translates into this question: Are your actions aimed at making an impact now? Or are they aimed at making an impact centuries from now?
- Y Axis is the target and beneficiary of your actions. It starts with yourself, expands to your family, friends, and acquaintances, and ends up with strangers.
The graph then outlines a simple, oblique, 2 sided arrow. The closer your actions are to you and your present, the worse luck you have.
The more people you try to benefit from your actions and the more impactful, time-wise, your actions are, the luckier you get.
If you look at the world objectively, you’ll see this is true.
The people who have more self-centered actions and focus on short term results, which is the majority, tend to always be unlucky.
On the other hand, people who truly want to help as many people as possible and focus on the big picture are constantly blessed by luck.