Recently I’ve been looking back at the last 15 years of my life.
I’m 35 now and, thinking back, I made a looooot things. Many mistakes, of course, but also some excellent choices that are making my 30s exceptional.
Here are the top 5 choices.
1: Working with mentors.
I haven’t made millions in my 20s.
In fact, I probably earned less than most of my peers. But I always worked with people I could learn from.
I got millions in knowledge, training and experience for free – plus I got paid to learn.
Trust me, that’s the s**t!
2: Getting married (even if I’m divorced).
People are afraid of commitment.
And that’s moronic. Building a family trumps any amount of One-Night Stands and “adventures”.
Yes, I’m divorced. But that experience also taught me a lot.
Which is why I’m not afraid to commit again.
3: Daily studying and journaling
This is mandatory for me.
Every day I take at least 1 hour of time to study and journal every insight/idea/epiphany I get.
This is the easiest way to get 1% better every single day.
Do it for a few years and you’ll see the difference…
4: Always taking a chance
If I saw a beautiful woman, I went and approached.
If I saw the billboard of an interesting event, I went to see it.
Looking like a fool is temporary. Living with regrets is permanent.
5: Always trying new things.
We have so many opportunities nowadays, we should be taking some of them.
Some stick (like acting classes – I started them 12 years ago to improve my communication skills, and now I still do it).
Others are nice, temporary experiences that build your character (like horseback riding, free climbing, spelunking…)
Guess what: traveling is not in the list.
I had my fair share of travels here in Italy and in many European countries.
I saw a lot of things and made some great experiences.
But, compared to the other 5 points, traveling is a bit overestimated and often used as an excuse to escape from responsibilities.