Recently I read a tweet saying something along these lines: “Hollywood cinema works miracles: first they made the Indians appear bad to us (and decades ago we all grew up hating them), now they are doing the same to Russians“
Fiction isn’t just entertainment. It’s a powerful tool that shapes our understanding of the world.
Here’s how.
Prospective Building
Stories help us walk in others’ shoes.
By experiencing different perspectives, we perceive the world differently.
And that is a powerful weapon that can create or destroy hatred out of thin air.
Social Change
Fiction spark conversations, especially online, and sometimes inspire action.
Recent history is full of fictional stories that have fueled ideologies behind activist groups.
Cultural Preservation or Manipulation
Folklore, myths, and legends carry cultural values and traditions.
Stories help preserve our heritage or manipulate the truth behind old traditions (Tarantism is the first example that comes to mind).
Cognitive Development
Reading fiction improves critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
It expands our imagination.
Emotional Intelligence
Stories help us understand our own emotions and our relationships with others.
They offer catharsis and emotional release.
Escape and Relaxation
Fiction provides a much-needed break from reality.
It helps us recharge and cope with mental stress.